dijous, 7 de juliol del 2016

City Center Quiz and late shopping evening.

At 09:00 we have met in the Forum, our meeting point, with the teachers and activity leaders. Catherine and Dan have given the instructions to the students. They had to go in groups of three or four around the city center and answer a list of 26 questions related to some important places there.

And... Off they went, there were prizes for the best teams. Some of the questions were related to the Forum itself. For instance, they had to guess who was the person who openen the Forum in 2002, and, of course, it was Queen Elisabeth
 II. There were other questions related to the Castle and to the Cathedral.
The first prize was for the team formed by Paula, Àngels, Laia and Carlota.

The second prize was for Telma, Paula and Yaiza.

After the game, they have had dome free time to have their lunch, just before going to their lessons in the afternoon. Then they have taken the most of the evening as most of the big shops didn't close until 8! The most common names: McDonals and Primark!

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